Encouraging people to work from home in order to generate their own income and not expect it from the Government is what NGO ‘Ami Goenkar’ is all about.
Are you aware there are free Government Training Programmes and Schemes?
The brainchild of Jennifer Miranda, Ami Goenkar helps bring Government schemes to people whom it can benefit the most – eg school dropouts, those not good in studies, children who like ‘tinkering with things’, unemployed youth, talented youth who are unable to find the way forward, housewives who need to supplement their husbands income, many of whom are unaware of the free schemes and subsidies provided by the Government.
Jennifer conducts awareness workshops in different villages of Goa, explaining in detail the various free Government schemes available. Training is provided to groups of minimum twenty people by arranging a Government Trainer. The course period is minimum three months to ensure that the students are thorough. Individuals receive Government recognized certificates from The HRD Ministry. Computers for computer training programmes are provided by ‘Ami Goenkar’ and remains the property of ‘Ami Goenkar’.

Individuals are then helped with placements in their respective fields and /or encouraged to set up their own businesses. Business know-how is also provided including obtaining of required machinery, cost, government licenses, subsidies etc.
Working together with Pushpa Srivastav, another thoroughbred Goan and Treasurer of Ami Goenkar, they organise the whole process right from getting the course organised to ensure the individuals are able to generate their own income via job placements or running small-scale businesses. Individuals are also educated in marketing and business generating techniques.
All course material for the training is provided. After the training, ‘Ami Goenkar’ educates individuals about Government subsidies for starting small-scale businesses.

Pushpa Srivastav, on the other hand, assists women’s groups in forming ‘Mahila Mandals’. Her field of expertise is with the paperwork required to form the ‘Mahila Mandal’ and the subsidies that are available either from the Centre or State Governments.

What made Jennifer give up a lucrative career
Jennifer, a MALLM, worked as a practising lawyer at the Mumbai High Court. She also lectured at various note-worthy colleges in Mumbai like Bhavans College, Tolani College and NM College. The turning point in her career came during her stint as a Resource Person with SEBI –she came in contact with many who were not aware of the Government Schemes. That’s when ‘Ami Goenkar’ was born.
According to Jennifer, “It is not necessary to be educated or even have a proper degree” to earn a living. Some may not be good at studies but good with their hands, she says.
Her organisation is self-funded.
For help to get trained and set up your own business you could contact Jennifer by email on [email protected] or send her an SMS on mobile number 8888906926.