The Konkan Fruit Festival is a unique festival aimed at preserving our local fruit biodiversity. Over 18000 people visit this festival and they marvel at the vast array of fruit, some not so popular, some almost forgotten, that are brought to the festival by farmers across the Konkan belt.
The festival aims to increase awareness of the sheer multitude of delicious fruit available in the region. The hope is that with this awareness the demand for these fruits will increase and consequently farmers will be encouraged to grow more of them and benefit the society with a wider array of healthy, nutritionally diverse fruit.
The Konkan Fruit Festival is the perfect place for all those people tucked away in the remote corners of the region to showcase their fruit-based products such as jams, pickles, and even wines.

The Botanical Society of Goa (BSG) has facilitated the Konkan Fruit Fest in Panaji since May 2003, with a Festival Partner. This year the “We For Fatorda” has joined as the “Festival Partner”. The venue is the Promenade of the Opinion Poll Square and the Ravindra Bhavan Madgao Lawns, Fatorda, Margao, Goa and will be held from the 20th to the 22nd of April 2018.
The ICAR-Central Coastal Agriculture Research Institute, Old Goa; the DBSKKV’s Regional Fruit Research Station, Vengurla-Maharashtra, the University of Horticultural Sciences (UHS), Bagalkot-Karnataka, other institutions and Non-Government organizations will also be a part of the festival as in the past fourteen years. Live entertainment, Food Stalls, Workshops and competitions in fruits, fruit-based products, and fruit-eating are organized at the venue. Stalls displaying and selling wares such as fresh fruit, fruit products, plants and planting material, garden tools and implements, etc will also be present.
Other programmes include:
Let’s celebrate #Goem, #Goemkar,#Goemkarponn!
Information & Picture Credit: Konkan Fruit Fest 2018, [email protected],