Kseniia Sun



Kseniia Sun is an architectural photographer who has been capturing the beauty of buildings in Goa for ten years. Fascinated by the blend of Portuguese and Indian architecture, she began photographing these structures as a hobby when she moved to Goa a decade ago. Over time, her hobby evolved into a profession, and today, she leads a talented team that specialises in capturing the essence of Goan interiors and architecture. You can view her impressive portfolio on her website at kseniiasun.com.

Education and Background: From Business to Photography

Kseniia went to school for business and management, not photography. But she loved taking photos, especially of buildings. To get better at it, she took an online course in interior photography from a school in the US. This training helped her learn the technical skills needed for her work. Her background in business helps her manage her photography projects effectively.

Building a Strong Team

Kseniia’s success comes from having a great team of professionals. There are five people in her studio. Each person has special skills that help in different parts of taking and editing photos. Some people are good at handling lights, some are good at deciding how to arrange the scene, some are great at making sure everything looks good in the picture, and others are experts in editing the photos afterward.They all work together to create beautiful, high-quality photos. This teamwork is important because it helps them meet their clients’ needs and make sure the clients are happy with the final pictures. When everyone uses their skills and works as a team, the results are always better.

Inspiration Sources: Influences and Motivations

Kseniia finds inspiration from many places. She looks up to famous photographers like Fernando Guerra and Iwan Baan. Their amazing work makes her want to keep getting better at her own photography. She is also inspired by the buildings in Goa. Goa has a rich history, and its buildings have many interesting details. The way light and shadows play on the buildings, the different textures of the walls, and the stories these old buildings tell all spark her creativity. Every time she looks at these buildings, she gets new ideas for her photos.

Technical Preferences: The Tools of the Trade

Kseniia uses a Canon EOS R5 camera with various lenses. This camera helps her capture detailed and colourful photos. She also uses sturdy tripods and different lighting equipment to ensure her photos are clear and well-lit. These tools are essential for creating the high-quality images she is known for.

Signature Style: Capturing the Essence of Space

Kseniia’s photos are detailed and vibrant. She focuses on the balance between light, shadow, and architectural elements. She aims to capture the true essence of a space, highlighting its unique features and atmosphere. Her process involves careful planning and understanding her clients’ vision, then waiting for the perfect moment to take the photo.

Challenging Projects: Overcoming Obstacles

One of Kseniia’s toughest projects was photographing a heritage villa in Goa. The villa had little natural light, making it hard to capture its grandeur. She used additional lighting strategically to overcome this challenge. Post-processing also played a key role in enhancing the images, bringing out the details and preserving the villa’s historical charm.

Post-Processing: Enhancing the Final Image

Editing photos is an important part of Kseniia’s work. She tries to take the best possible photo with her camera, but editing allows her to fine-tune details, correct any issues, and enhance the overall look. She uses software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to adjust lighting, colour balance, and sharpness, ensuring that the final images reflect the true beauty of the architecture.

Client Interaction: Collaboration and Communication

Working with clients is a key part of Kseniia’s process. She begins by discussing their vision and understanding the unique aspects of the space they want to highlight. She listens carefully to their needs, whether they want to create a portfolio, promote a rental property, or document a finished project. Kseniia offers various photography packages and specialised services, such as shoots with models, short videos for social media, promotional videos for properties, and twilight/night photography. During the shoot, she keeps communication open, sharing previews and seeking feedback. This ensures that the final images meet their expectations and effectively showcase their property.

Career Highlight: A Milestone Achievement

One of the best moments in Kseniia’s career was when she took photos of a new luxury resort in Goa. This job was special because she got to work with famous architects and interior designers. They had a clear vision for the resort, and Kseniia’s job was to capture that vision in her photos.The pictures she took turned out great and helped her career a lot. Many people saw her work, and it brought her new opportunities. This project was a big step forward in her journey as an architectural photographer. It showed that her hard work and talent were paying off.

Future Trends: Adapting to Change

A notable trend in architectural photography is the new-age styling of interiors, which emphasises minimalism, natural materials, and biophilic design. This approach seeks to create harmonious, aesthetically pleasing spaces that connect people with nature. Additionally, there is a growing focus on sustainable and green architecture, with an emphasis on energy-efficient designs and eco-friendly materials. To adapt to these trends, Kseniia is enhancing her skills in capturing the subtleties of these modern interiors and the innovative use of sustainable materials. She plans to incorporate these elements into her work to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Conclusion: Looking Forward

Kseniia Sun’s journey into architectural photography has been a testament to her passion, dedication, and skill. From her early days of capturing the intricate details of Goa’s unique structures to building a successful professional career, she has consistently strived for excellence. With a strong team, a deep understanding of both the artistic and technical aspects of photography, and a commitment to staying ahead of industry trends, Kseniia continues to push the boundaries of architectural photography. Her work not only showcases the beauty of architecture but also tells a story, capturing the essence of each space and bringing it to life through her lens.