Mango Chia Seed & Butterfly Pea Flower Pudding  


(Approx 130 calories per serving) 

The mango season in India barely lasts for 3 to 4 months. The King of  fruits is so loved by us Indians that this season is like a celebration !!! 

It is a common to see people carrying mango boxes or mangoes by the  dozen for the families to devour.  

And more often than not, all this love for mangoes is showered on the  world-famous Alphonso variety. This is especially true for those who  belong to the coastal belt of Maharashtra and Goa.  

For me the season of mangoes stir up nostalgia.  

Although one cannot beat the joy of eating freshly cut ripe mangoes, it  is also true that the amazing recipes made from them are equally  relished.  

The list of recipes of what the Indian households can prepare with this  loved fruit is pretty long.  

Since DeliciouslyURS always has been bringing you healthier dessert  recipes, this time too we beautifully blend the mangoes to prepare a  creamy and luscious pudding. 

These will disappear in minutes. But not a problem because they are  sugar-free and dairy-free, with the goodness of chia seeds and nuts. 

Mango Chia Seed & Butterfly Pea Flower Pudding  

Ingredients :  

• 2 ripe Alphonso Mangoes 

• 50g cup Chia Seeds soaked 

• 500ml Fresh Coconut Milk (first extract) 

• 4 tbsps Maple Syrup or other sweetener of your choice • Few Butterfly Pea Flowers 

• Cashewnuts chopped  

• Dried Cranberries 

Method : 

• Cut & peel the mangoes. Scoop out the luscious mango flesh and  add it to the blender or food processor to make a mango purée and  refrigerate it.  

• Stir the maple syrup into the coconut milk.  

• Add the chia seeds into the coconut milk & maple syrup mixture. • Let it soak for an hour or so. 

• Now assemble the pudding in beautiful shot glasses. 

• Add the chia seed and coconut milk mixture at the bottom, then add  a layer of chopped cashewnuts. 

• To this add a generous layer of the cooled mango puree. • Finally, top it all up with some more cashewnuts, dried cranberries  and last but not the least a garnish of butterfly blue pea flower for  the elegance. 

• Chill and serve. 

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