Not a regular at Church on Sundays? Well, guess what?! Now you’re going to be visiting churches, temples, monuments and places you probably thought you’d never set foot in, multiple times a week! Pokémon Go has very conveniently converted some of the most famous Churches and Temples into Pokéshops and Gyms.
The Craze is Real!
Everyone’s going Bonkers, the WORLD is playing Pokémon Go. A Tweet by Jonathan Perez (@IGIhosT), shows Central Park being turned into Pokémon HQ.
Pokemon GO is just insane right now. This is in Central Park. It’s basically been HQ for Pokemon GO.
— Jonathan Perez (@IGIhosT) July 11, 201
Pokémon Go has already added a whopping $7.5 Billion to Nintendo’s Market Value.
So what is Pokémon GO?
Pokémon GO a game based on the Pokémon Series, became a global sensation when popularised as a Video Game by Nintendo. Pokémon GO enables you to travel between the real world and the virtual world of Pokémon with apps for iPhone and Android devices. With Pokémon GO, you’ll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Pokémon GO built on Niantic’s Real World Gaming Platform will use real locations to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon. With Pokémon GO you to find and catch more than a hundred species of Pokémon as you explore your surroundings.
Pokémon GO sweeping over Goa!
The game isn’t officially available in India yet, but that hasn’t stopped anyone in Goa from getting in on their dose of Pokéfun. The love for the game is so real and imminent that an event is being organised by two Goan locals Rahul Rivoncar and Pranay Purohit called The Pokémon Go-A Adventure. Check it out on Facebook!
So be there or be square!
Goa is catching on to the Pokétrend very quickly. So if you want to be a top trainer, it’s time you wake up, grab your phone, and start hunting. Don’t bother about what ‘mom’ says!! Even if your girl thinks you’re a kid, it’s just a matter of time before she starts playing it as well. The love for Pokémon is above all! If anyone’s been looking for a Clefairy, you’re welcome!

But apart from all the glamour, this game has brought, it’s also caused some serious damage. A number of accidents and crime cases have been reported in the US already. A group of thieves have been also labelled as TEAM ROCKET.
Imagine walking off a ledge right into the Mandovi in search of Squirtle, or entering the Governor’s palace just cause the Geolocation says you could get a Pikachu there! Man, that’s some serious trouble. What if our soldiers at the border wander off into Pakistan just cause they find an Onix, how is that gonna be justified?
On a personal level, I’m thoroughly enjoying the game. It’s definitely a huge boost to fitness. So whenever I’m forced to listen to the horrors that the game can bring, I just think of a picture I’d recently seen on 9gag, which is enough motivation to drown out the negatives.
All in all, it’s a great game. Give it some time and it’s going to swallow the world, whether you’re in or out. So if the Prime Minister of India has given us a go ahead, what are you waiting for? See you on the other side! Pika pika! 🙂