Goa set to attack European tourists


Tourism minister Manohar ‘Babu’ Azgaonkar said that Goa’s marketing strategy will be changed to boost tourist arrivals from traditional European markets. Tourism stakeholders also feel that it’s high time Goa tourism overhaul its marketing techniques to make the destination more competitive. The just-concluded charter tourist season ended on a happy note with a rise in […]

Have tourists lost faith in Goa’s Justice System?


Goa has received a lot of negative publicity due to the spate of crimes against foreign tourists in the last decade. These crimes have definitely tarnished the image of Goa, for the foreseeable future. One question on a lot of people’s minds is – Is Goa still safe for lone foreign tourists travelling to the […]

Keeping crime at bay? Foreign tourists safe?

Eight years ago, on an eerie night, Goa was shaken with the murder of 15 year old British teenage, Scarlett Keeling. Although Fiona MacKeown (mother of the deceased) has not given up and still seeks justice; one begs to wonder “Is it now safe for foreign tourists to visit Goa?” The ‘paradise state’, for numerous foreign […]