Another life lost! A fatal accident between a two-wheeler and a truck on the NH17 highway outside the KTM showroom, Porvorim, yesterday resulted in the pillion rider losing his life. The accident took place at around 11 a.m.
The Police identified the deceased as Br.Jeevan Colaco (pillion rider), while the rider as Br. Mousinho Fernandes. Both were Catholic Pallottine Brothers from the Assagao Seminary. Br. Jeevan was a Catechist in Parra Church,(North Goa) and will be missed by his friends. He was a very nice Brother. Br. Mousinho is from Maina Curtorim.

Pic. Credit: source
The bike was hit from the rear, causing the death of the pillion rider – Br. Jeevan. Br. Mousinho too, according to sources, has sustained grievous injuries and is battling for his life.
An Eyewitness from the KTM showroom informed our reporter that the biker was riding slowly but the truck was speeding. Only the rider was wearing a helmet, they said. The ambulance reached the site of the accident in twenty minutes but the Police arrived immediately. As per the eyewitness, the truck driver was stopped by the public.
In Porvorim, overspeeding and traffic violations have become the order of the day. Signals have been installed but not monitored. Overstepping signals is common. Daily lives are being lost due to road accidents in Porvorim. Will the Government please take note!
A Prayer request from friends: Please pray for the soul of Br. Jeevan Colaco. A mass is being offered today for his soul at the Palloti home in Assagao.

Pic. Credit: Source
A request to all our readers – Be safe, ride safely!