Looking for a chilled out place in Palolem? Head to the northern tip of the beach to Cozy Nook. There are different sitting areas, on chairs; there’s also Goan ‘balcao’ style sitting on stone benches and also beach beds. Cozy Nook is low on the prices and high on the quality, making an outing here most satisfying, besides of course the peaceful atmosphere. The accent is on Goan and Indian food , and they have a smattering of internatonal favourites and their speciality is seafood. They have salads and sizzlers of chicken, vegetables, and seafood. They’re more of a snack place with choice potato specialities like Sauteed Potatoes and Stuffed Potatoes – stuffed with vegetables, and some bread-based delights like Aubergine on Toast – an Italian favourite, Sardines on Toast, etc. They also d a Goan buffet for groups, on prior order and serve the best coffee in Palolem. Plus juices, shakes, boat rides, rooms, etc.