In a bizarre twist of events, Criminal lawyer, Adv Vikram Varma, in his investigation of the murder case claims that Danielle McLaughlin was gang raped by more than one person (4 persons) who then slashed her face with a beer bottle and strangulated her to death. Thus insinuating that the Police investigation had gone awry.

According to Varma, it is impossible that the suspect Bhagat could alone manage to do this and there was an involvement of more than one person. “Danielle was 5’8” tall and she was really strong. This fellow Bhagat, he does not look strong and muscular”, lawyer Vikram Varma told the Mail Online adding that “I doubt he had the strength to overcome Danielle on his own. If she was intoxicated there would have been no need for the terrible injuries she suffered. There has to be more than one person involved. I have no doubt,” he asserted. (source)
Some earlier reports stated that the victim’s face was disfigured to prevent her from being identified.
Another significant finding of Varma was that Danielle had paint on her hands and face from celebrating the festival of Holi with friends. But when her body was found there were no traces of colour on it. This proved that she may have gone to her room to wash before she was murdered.
Though, prime suspect, Vikat Bhagat, (now in police custody), has owned up to the crime, Varma says that the other 3 alleged attackers may have been long gone.
Having a past criminal record, Vikat Bhagat had been charge sheeted in 19 separate cases of theft at the Canacona Police Station which has now come up for hearing, just before the McLaughlin case goes to court.
In a shocking revelation, Bhagat said he used to target foreigner tourists and in 2013 had sexually assaulted a Scottish woman.
Another seeming suspect

Rajesh Sarokomart Pant was seen on CCTV footage holding Danielle’s hand on the night of her murder. On being questioned, Pant claimed that he was not holding her hand but she was helping him to stand up. The last known pictures of her were with this taxi driver, locally known as Kanar.
The 37-year-old taxi driver reportedly spent hours drinking with the Brit. But his wife claimed that he was asleep in the house at night and woke up late the next morning. She did confirm that her husband received a call from the suspect Vikat in the morning but he did not take the call as he was asleep.
Her friends revealed she was surrounded by a group of “leering” Indian men at a party hours before she met her tragic end.
Though Vikat had reportedly said that three other were involved in the crime, the blood samples found on his scooter and clothes were Danielle’s, so the Police passed the claim off as being misguided.
It is evident that Danielle was a friendly person and had many friends in Goa and abroad. Unfortunately, her overtly good nature proved fatal.
RIP Danielle. Her body has been finally flown home for burial.
Information credit:The Sun, Mail Online