Since its inception in 2012, Jazz Goa celebrates International Jazz Day each year by turning the spotlight to a Goan Jazz artist. This year the spotlight is on 85-year-old Indian Jazz icon Xavier Fernandes who has spent almost 6 decades performing around the world. To be a part of the celebration, watch Xavier Fernandes performing live at The Central Library Auditorium, Panjim, on 30th April 2018 at 7 pm onwards. (Entry is free and seating is on first-come-first-serve-basis).
All credit goes to passionate Colin D’Cruz the founder of Jazz Goa. Colin may perform several different genres of music, with various ensembles, at any given point of time but he always finds himself at home with jazz-the most open, alive and evolving form of music.
Colin currently produces music out of his own studio and continues to perform all over India as well as internationally. His studio is a place where budding Goan musicians get to record their music and cut CDs. Colin gets the CD’s distributed free of cost – all for the love of music and Goa.
Colin’s Works
Goa – Home to international Jazz artists
Goa has produced internationally acclaimed jazz musicians right through its history in India. Pianist Dizzy Sal, saxophonist Braz Gonsalves, trumpet player Chic Chocolate, drummer Leslie Godinho are just a few that come to mind off hand. One Goan musician Trilok Gurtu actually spearheaded the evolution of jazz, making it to the world’s best percussionist in Downbeat polls for seven years, a record of sorts for any jazz musician. The Portuguese influence in Goa made western culture a way of life for Goans. In the early years, the Church Choir in Goa was where most Goan musicians got their solid foundations in music through what is called the ‘solfegio’ system. They then took it out into the world through bands, orchestras, and Bollywood. The Indian film’s music industry had its foundations laid by Goan musicians who taught them music notation and orchestration. Today the industry stands tall even in the international arena. Goan musicians spread out all over the world establishing themselves where ever they were, even while maintaining low profiles thanks to our inherent ‘susegad’ attitude.
What Jazz means to Colin
“Today Jazz has grown into something much bigger than its name. It’s not just about improvisation; it’s about a meeting of minds and cultures,” says Colin.
Though record label A & R managers keep summing up Jazz as a sure route to starvation, Colin says, “ Jazz allows me to be myself, Jazz helps me retain my individuality and what’s left of my sanity in this big mad world of music marketing. Jazz is the medium I choose to express myself and communicate musically with my audience. I know a lot of people in the audience may not understand my intense shoo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bop and emotive ‘twidlee-diddle-doo-wop’ but there’s always the few who can ‘feel’ what they can’t figure. Very often the message I communicate may read ‘hey bro, I’m broke again, how about a loan?’ but when I know even a few in the audience are enjoying my music I feel like a millionaire!”
“I’ve always had a ‘best is yet to come’ philosophy with my music and also my life. So the answer to that will always be ‘something better!’. The learning process for a musician is a never-ending one, there is no such thing as a ‘master’ and I’m sure most legends would agree.”
Recognising Jazz is one of the biggest compliments for Colin
“One of the biggest compliments I got was when a fan came up to me and told me he was seated in the hotel lobby, he heard a band playing somewhere in the hotel, traced the sound and entered the restaurant because he knew I was playing bass and this person wasn’t a musician. So that was most definitely the compliment of a lifetime and the one I’ll never forget.
What’s good for me is a small smoky nightclub where the lights are dim, the band is smokin’ and the whiskey is flowing. Out of sync with today’s music scene but completely in sync with my soothed soul.”
To contact Colin:
Information and Pic. Credit: Colin D’Cruz