While everyone in Goa looks forward to the summer, it is also the hottest time of year. The temperature hovers around 30-35 degrees and the humidity is super high too. Which means people are generally feeling hot, sweaty, queasy, and even bloated. The weather is definitely a major contributor to this but so is the food we eat and the drinks we imbibe. Therefore, here are some summer-friendly foods to try out this year and every year too.
Loving those summer-friendly foods and drinks
Summer-friendly foods don’t need any preparation and are usually foods that you will have at home always. Some of these are cucumber, ice-cream, curd/yogurt, limes which you can make nimboo pani from among others. Let’s check out what these and other summer-friendly foods offer in terms of keeping your body cool during the summer.
Our bodies need a lot of cooling down during the summer months. We may or may not indulge in any activities but we heat up anyway and even lose a lot of bodily fluids. That usually leads to annoyances like upset tummies, prickly heat on our skin, allergies, swollen feet and so on. The best summer-friendly foods to eat so that we can counteract all these are below:
Tender coconut and coconut water
Tender coconut and coconut water are one of the best summer-friendly fruits to indulge in during the season. It has supercooling properties and sugars, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. It also has great health benefits and can be eaten and drunk in its natural form. Tender coconut is also a great ingredient for summer desserts.

When going in for a watermelon, always get yourself a full one. The cut slices on display that are sold by roadside vendors have usually lost all their nutritional properties from being so exposed. Watermelon is best known for its antioxidant and cooling properties. You can consume it in liquid or solid form and it makes for a great summer snack for kids too.

Cucumber is one of the most beloved summer-friendly foods available in plenty. It’s technically a fruit due to the fact that it has seeds. And of course, it’s made up of 96% water and therefore one of the best fruits to eat and stay hydrated with. Tastes best in a salad or even in a smoothie.

Curd/ Yogurt
Most people love staying cool, hydrated and energized through the summer with curd or yogurt. Curd/ yogurt is a great probiotic which means no upset tummy through the summer. You can make delicious – chilled spicy buttermilk, a glass of lassi or chachh and raita. Definitely a great summer-friendly food for the season.

Melons come in different varieties. Watermelons fall under the same category as well. Then we’ve got rockmelon or cantaloupe as it’s better known, honeydew melon, prince melon, and netted melon. Melons are high in water content and low in calories. They are also a good source of vitamin C and contain a dietary significant amount of potassium A great way to stay refreshed during the summer.
Lime Water (nimboo pani)
Lime water (nimboo pani) is probably the most favorite summer-friendly drink. It doesn’t matter if you drink it sweet, salty or plain. The hydrating and refreshing properties remain the same. It’s also a great antioxidant and perfect for rejuvenating your skin, aids in digestion, helps in preventing colds thanks to Vitamin C and so much more. Read up on the benefits here.

The one definite favorite staple of summer is ice-cream. Summer is the season to relish all that chilled creamy goodness. Available in a multitude of flavors, no one can resist the lure of ice-cream on a hot, summer day. The milk content in ice-cream contains calcium which is good for the bones. Treat yourself to some deliciously cold icy treats this summer. Or you can even make some yourself in the comfort of home.

So remember to stay hydrated, cool and happy this summer when you eat any of these! In fact, there is a ton of other summer-friendly foods you can try out during the next two months.