Heard of Billytoons? Not yet? Well, the brainchild of Billy Joe Fernandes, Billytoons is a Goa centric Konkani WhatsApp sticker pack that brings out the Goan in you. Be it an “Avois!” (like saying Wow!) or addressing someone as “Patrao”, (Landlord or Boss), you can find it on Billytoons with characters to suit them perfectly.

Billy hails from Sirsaim, a North Goan village near the town of Mapusa. Working in Dubai, Billy’s heart ticks to the beat of his homeland – Goa. Every happening, be it the sad demise of Fr. Bismarque, Formalin Fish, Coconut Tree destruction or just saying “Deo Boro Dis Dium” (meaning, May God grant you a good day), Billytoons has captured them all.

Not wanting to take all the credit, Billy in reply to my query over Messenger about what motivated him to start Billytoons; “Its teamwork,” he said. “‘Billytoons’ was born in 2011. Created to raise awareness, through cartoons, about the issues and happenings in Goa.”
“When WhatsApp rolled out WhatsApp stickers, we wanted to try something where we could get Goans all around the world connected.” Having already accumulated a collection of ‘Konkani’ (language spoken by the Goans) cartoons on various issues, his team decided to send in a proposal to WhatsApp. The first five stickers sent were approved and thus began the journey of ‘Billytoons’.
*BillytoonsGoa* in collaboration with *WHN Digital (Weddingsdgegoa)* brings to you Goa’s first Exclusive Goa Centric Konkani Watsapp Stickers. Share them, Spread them & Add to your Favourites.
*Konkani Uloi Konkani Fulloi*
(Speak Konkani Spread Konkani)
Billy says, “We never thought this would go viral.” Billy’s toons have become a must have. To get these stickers you need to drop a message on Mobile No.00971505083406 and Billy will send the package to you.
Pictures and information credit: Billytoons Goa, Billy Joe Fernandes